Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Wandering

I run a path every morning and it is not always the same but i end up in a grove every time.  In my derive i wanted to try and follow my nose instead of my eyes and see what would happen.  I started my venture at 7 p.m turning left at my house. I came to this decision by closing my eyes and taking in a few deep breaths finding a smell of burning wood and fire. My next turn was due more to sound than smell which was unexpected but i stumbled across the park i normally run through, however it was over run with girls and boys out at soccer practice. I avoided the fields and stopped think for a moment and realized my feet took me the same route i always run. It was odd that the moment i stopped thinking about the task at hand my body continued without me thinking about it.  I ended up at the Grove and stopped again to smell the air and discovered a unique smell i can only describe as crushed grapes.  To the left of the Grove is a large amount of vineyards that i started running along when i discovered a break in the fence that had no barb wire and decided to enter. Upon entering i noticed a smell of fresh turned dirt and found recent construction  taking place to plant more crops.  I followed that smell till i found some olive trees that were very strategically placed in rows up a hill to the entry gate.  Once i hopped the fence outward i had to choose a direction at an intersection and could not pick out a defiant scent. I could smell the exhaust from passing cars and the cool air of night setting in as the sun set but nothing that gave me directions so i followed the flow of cars along a dirt trail. I then smelt FOOD! and took yet another short cut through more Vineyards to find the lovely smell of BBQ MEATS!  I came across a destroyed building that looked like it used to be very nice and the only thing remaining were the stone walls and empty spaces where the windows used to be.  In that same place happened to be a wedding rehearsal dinner that i definitely was not supposed to be in yet i pressed forward and hopped another fence to avoid awkward glances. I followed a couple more scents including trees and plants on my run but ended up following food and fire smells back to my home to conclude my venture.

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